[NEW: Download our “Regeneration or Extinction?” discussion with Philip Kotler, Enrico Foglia, and Christian Sarkar via The Marketing Journal]


We promote regeneration and regenerative practices to advance the Common Good by bringing Nature and Community together. Learn more >>


Our book highlights ideas for regenerating communities and organizations, centered around the Common Good. Learn more >>


What can you or your organization do to make a difference in your community? Learn more >>


The question we ask first is: where is value being created, and for whom? If there is little or no value being created for the local community, or if value is created at the expense of Nature, then we’re deliberately building an extractive, or worse, a degenerative economy.

Regeneration must – by definition – work for the Common Good. It builds community wealth.

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The central issue is community wealth: how is it built? How do we circulate money within the local economy? Is it sustainable?

We must address community value-creation by asking the obvious questions:

  • How is the community managed?
  • How are government revenues used?
  • How are business profits generated?
  • What is the role of the non-profit sector?
  • How does local entrepreneurship create community resilience?
  • What is the quality of life for members of the community?
  • How do we treat the weakest members of the community?
  • What must be done to contribute to the health of the local ecosystems – social, economic, and natural?

So, how do we work together? Learn more >>

IDEAS from our The Regeneration Journal >>