
The traditional “go-to-market” approach we’ve used for the past 100 years is about building a product and taking it to market based on a customer value-proposition.

Because the business is built on the volume of its transactions, the business does not focus on long-term community relationships.

In fact, it is often at odds with community aspirations, and must play “nice” by being a good corporate citizen – via CSR, public relations, and cause-marketing.

In issue after issue, the data is clear: deep-trust organizations outperform low-trust organizations. Total return to shareholders in deep-trust organizations is almost three times higher than the return in low trust organizations.

Our research agenda begins by exploring local, community-based initiatives to develop practical knowledge on regenerative marketing – principles, frameworks, emerging practices, and case studies – from around the world.


  • The following articles on regeneration were written prior to the book:

“Can Politics be Regenerative?” – An Interview with Sicily’s Cettina Martorana (FIXcapitalism)

Prison Brands: Regenerative Justice as a Business Model” – Christian Sarkar, Enrico Foglia, and Philip Kotler (The Marketing Journal)

“100 Years of Community Engagement: The Regenerative Roots of Morettino Coffee” – Christian Sarkar, Enrico Foglia, and Philip Kotler (The Marketing Journal)

“The Fundamentals of Airport Marketing” – Natale Chieppa, Giovanni Scalia, and Philip Kotler (The Marketing Journal)

“Does Marketing Need Curtailment for the Sake of Sustainability?” – Philip Kotler (The Marketing Journal)

“Regenerative Marketing: Lessons Learned from Italian Business” – Enrico Foglia, Christian Sarkar, and Philip Kotler (The Marketing Journal)

“What is a Regenerative Business? The Case of Palermo’s Moltivolti” – Christian Sarkar, Enrico Foglia, Philip Kotler (